Dental Implants.
The modern approach to tooth replacement.
A missing tooth is not your fault
Seek the best dentistry for painless and lasting results?
Take the next step and change the way you feel
Payment plans available

The Benefits
Improve your smile and facial appearance
Minimal swelling and pain
Safer than ever, with the most advanced
techniques in DIGITAL surgery
Function & feel like real teeth
Iconic Smiles is a specialised implant centre
An implant is a often the best way to replace a missing tooth. The process involves placing a titanium screw into the bone and then connecting a fabricated tooth on top of it. They look amazing and feel incredibly real. No one will ever know the difference.
When a tooth is lost, the bone in that region begins to dissolve away (technically termed, bone resorption). In the first year following tooth removal, there is 42% bone loss.
An implant is the only way to prevent and preserve bone loss.
By preserving bone, the signs of ageing are reduced; which commonly involve a collapsed appearance of the face, increased wrinkles around the lips, poorer muscle tone and an upward rotation of the chin and downward rotation of the nose.
Above all, bone loss weakens the jaw, and makes it susceptible to fracture and poorer gum health.
The other obvious benefit of an implant is that you don't have to cut two perfectly good teeth, as you may do with a bridge. They can be flossed and cleaned like normal teeth, so are more hygienic and less prone to other oral complications.

Is it Painful?
Implant surgery is generally not regarded as painful. ​Tooth removal, such as wisdom teeth are generally much more uncomfortable than implant placement. Most people have the procedure done under Local Anaesthetic and are straight back to work. If you are anxious about it all, you can opt to be sedated during the procedure. Some post-op swelling can be expected if a bone grafting procedure is performed.
The Process
Implant placement involves 3 stages.
Stage 1 is placing the titanium screw into the jaw bone. This is left undisturbed for 3-4 months. This is to allow the jawbone to attach and grab hold of the implant. A process known as osteointegrassion. Meaning, becoming one with the bone. So Why 3 months? Every 3 months the bone turns over (that is, it gets replaced). So after 3 months there's a new set of bone and we can ensure this new bone is holding the implant. Now that we have the foundation in place, we can progress.
1-4 months later...
Stage 2 is shaping the gums to fit around the new tooth being placed. This is done by placing a healing cap onto the implant for 2 weeks.
2weeks later...
Stage 3. A mould can now be taken to construct your new tooth for the implant. The new fabricated crown is attached to the implant, by what is known as an abutment.
Your smile is restored again.

There's just one more thing.
Since the bone holds the implant, its important to determine the amount of bone in the region, otherwise an implant may not be suitable. This is measured by a modern 3D scan, known as a cone-beam CT. A 4D digital scan of your teeth is also taken to detect how much room you have for a tooth. The data is merged in specialised simulation software which will also simulate the implant planning for use in the surgery. This will show how large of an implant can be fitted and what to expect for the final result.
If theres not enough bone, you may require a bone graft. This can be bovine (cow) bone, an allogenic graft (human bone) or autografted from your own body. Your doctor will discuss these options with you.
Bone Preservation Grafts


Doubling the diametre of bone increases the stiffness 16 times.

In engineering, cross-sectional rigidity is related to the second moment of the area. Such that, rigidity increases as the fourth power of diametre.​

The cost of dental implants varies based o​n the aesthetics of the final crown. Therefore implants in the front of the mouth will generally cost more than implants located in the back of the mouth.
Factors which influence the cost are:
1. Will the implant placement be implant digitally planned and surgically guided for improved precision and accuracy?
2. Is the implant UV treated?
3.Do you require bone grafting or gum grafting?
4. Is the practice utilising the most advanced equipment and materials?
5. How aesthetic is the demand for the final crown?
Ultimately implants at Iconic Smiles range from $3500 to $5750.
To find out whether implants are right for you, book your initial consultation today.
What's the Success Rate?
Implants tend to have a high success rate, if they are performed well and maintained. Some people believe implants are for life, but generally speaking they have a good 10-20 year life expectancy.