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Tooth Removal After Care

After the removal of your tooth/teeth, please follow these instructions:


  1. A small amount of bleeding is normal. If the wound begins to bleed, apply gauze as supplied on the bleeding point and bite firmly on it for 5-10 minutes.

  2. After 24 hours, use Chlorhexidine based mouthwash or warm salt water (half a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of warm water) to rinse after eating or 2-3 times a day.

  3. Avoid vigorous exercise or excessive alcohol for 24 hours as these can cause bleeding.

  4. Don’t smoke for 48-72 hours as this can cause infection and delay the healing process.

  5. Applying a cold compress to the area will help reduce swelling and aid healing. Apply for 5 minutes intervals.

  6. Maintain fluid intake and proceed with a soft food diet until eating is comfortable.

  7. Avoid hot food and drinks for 24 hours. Best foods are cold and soft, like yoghurt.

After the extraction a blood clot will form in the socket where the tooth used to be, this is NOT to be disturbed by vigorous rinsing or poking the site with your tongue or finger as it is a very important part of the healing process.

If the socket does start to bleed after you have left Iconic Smiles, place the gauze provided over the extraction site and apply pressure by biting down with pressure for 15minutes. Try not to disturb the blood clot.



Your mouth will still be numb for an hour or so after the local anaesthetic. Please take care not to bite your cheek, tongue, or burn your mouth on hot liquids. Avoid smoking and alcohol for 24 hours as these can affect the healing process.





You may be in discomfort after the anaesthetic has worn off, taking a household painkiller (2 tablets of paracetamol 500mg OR 2 tablets of ibuprofen 200mg) will help, please follow the manufactures instructions. If you are still in pain, you can take the two together, such that you take 2 tablets of paracetamol 500mg and 2 tablets of ibuprofen 200mg. Repeat every 4-6 hours, as required for pain relief. 




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