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In Office Whitening After Care

It is important to follow specific care instructions to prolong the effects of your professional teeth whitening treatment and avoid re-staining your teeth. Your teeth are most vulnerable to staining for up to a week after treatment. 


Avoid dark foods and beverages like coffee, red wine, berries, and chocolate for one week after treatment. Continue to limit your consumption of these foods in your daily diet, and drink any dark beverages through a straw. 


Brush your teeth with desensitising toothpaste and a soft bristled toothbrush to help reduce tooth sensitivity. It is a good idea to apply a desensitising toothpaste like Sensodyne, Colgate sensitive or Neutroflor 5000 on your teeth before bed, spit out and do not rinse off. Do this for 5-10 days after your whitening treatment.


Do not brush and floss aggressively as this can wear down soft enamel after treatment and irritate the gums.


If you are a smoker, it is recommended that you quit to avoid nicotine stains and protect your overall health.


Maintain a good oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing and flossing twice daily and rinsing with mouthwash once per day. 







At Home Whitening After Care

Iconic Smiles offers at-home whitening kits, which provide professional grade whitening treatment in the comfort of your own home. This affordable option is also ideal for touch-ups between visits. 


To use the at-home Philips Zoom whitening system, using a syringe you apply a drop of bleaching gel inside your customised plastic mouth tray. The gel is thick and will push the tray away from your gum-line. If any gel oozes over the tray, simply remove it using a Q-tip. It is important to ensure there is no excess gel running over the gum line. 



To use the DayWhite system, apply once per day for two weeks, and leave the trays on for 30 minutes to achieve optimal results. Check your gums regularly whilst whitening to ensure your gums have not discoloured. If you notice the gums turning white, remove the gel and rinse out thoroughly with water.



Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water after removing the trays. Then brush your teeth with warm water and rinse your trays in cold water.



It is a good idea to apply a desensitising toothpaste like Sensodyne, Colgate sensitive or Neutroflor 5000 on your teeth before bed, spit out and do not rinse off. Do this while you are undergoing your whitening treatment.







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